
to rely on / to depend on / by means of / thanks to / sth that one relies on / also written 憑借|凭借[ping2 jie4]

Characters and words in 凭藉

variant of 憑|凭[ping2]

= + : Pocahontas (pi) is the chef of the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2) and she has become very popular for her excellent food, but she relies solely on (凭) her cooking assignments (任) which she keeps on a small table (几).
to lean against / to rely on / on the basis of / no matter (how, what etc) / proof

= + : Pocahontas (pi) is the chef of the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2) and she has become very popular for her excellent food, but she relies solely on (凭) her cooking assignments (任) which she keeps on a small table (几).
variant of 借[jie4]

= + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) and Joan of Arc (ji) are enjoying milkshakes (昔) in the elevator's bathroom (e4). To let each other taste the other's milkshake, they lend (借) them each other.
surname Ji
to insult / to walk all over (sb)
sleeping mat / to placate

Words with 凭藉

凭藉 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 凭藉

凭藉 currently does not appear in any sentence.