
dry eye / xerophthalmia (drying of the tear glands, often due to lack of vitamin A)

Characters and words in 乾眼症

old variant of 乾[qian2]
surname Qian
one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing heaven / male principle / ☰ / ancient Chinese compass point: 315° (northwest)
surname Gan

= + : Guy Fawkes is drying his clothes in front of the anthill. He hangs them on a large construction made from a cross and a flute. Waiting for his clothes to dry, he heats some dried fruits.
dry / clean / in vain / dried food / foster / adoptive / to ignore

= + : Guy Fawkes is drying his clothes in front of the anthill. He hangs them on a large construction made from a cross and a flute. Waiting for his clothes to dry, he heats some dried fruits.
variant of 乾[qian2]
dry / dried food / empty; hollow / taken in to nominal kinship; adoptive; foster / futile; in vain / (dialect) rude; blunt / (dialect) to cold-shoulder
eye / small hole / crux (of a matter) / CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1] / classifier for big hollow things (wells, stoves, pots etc)

= + : Inside of the anthill, Maud Younger played a prank on the Eye of Providence. She told it that she would apply a mask to alleviate the wrinkles around its eyes, but instead she just covered its whole eye with chewing gum.
disease / illness

= + : The stick figure (正) is visiting James II of England (zh) in the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4) to have him investigate his colorful rash (疒). Unfortunately James II of England has to tell him that he has cancer (症).
abdominal tumor / bowel obstruction / (fig.) sticking point

Words with 乾眼症

乾眼症 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 乾眼症

乾眼症 currently does not appear in any sentence.