
to pocket a lost article / (fig.) to correct others' errors / to remedy omissions (in a text etc)

Characters and words in 拾遗

to ascend in light steps
to pick up / to collate or arrange / ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)

= + : Sherlock Holmes (sh) wants to pick up (拾) a tube of glue (合) in the space station's entrance (Ø2), but last time he put it there he forgot to close the lid properly and now it is glued to the floor. He even cannot pick it up using a toy claw (扌).
to lose / to leave behind / to omit / to bequeath / sth lost / involuntary discharge (of urine etc)

= + : Sometimes, just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2), Maud Younger (y) woefully thinks of her lost (遗) treasure chest (贵). It was filled to the top with gladiator sandals (辶); but it was too heavy to bring to the space station, so she had to leave it behind.
(bound form) to leave behind

Words with 拾遗

lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom) / fig. honesty prevails throughout society
to remedy omissions and correct errors (idiom)
lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom) / fig. honesty prevails throughout society
see 拾遺補缺|拾遗补缺[shi2 yi2 bu3 que1]

Sentences with 拾遗

拾遗 currently does not appear in any sentence.