
video camera / CL:部[bu4]

Characters and words in 攝像機

to take in / to absorb / to assimilate / to act for / to take a photo / photo shoot / photo / to conserve (one's health)

= + : Sherlock Holmes (sh) wants to take a selfie (摄) in the elevator's bathroom (e4), so he holds his phone with a toy claw (扌) in front of him. He has no way to press a button or the like, so he has to use voice activation. He doesn't want to loose his smile while taking the photo, so he tries whispering (摄) to the phone without moving his lips.
(bound form) to take in; to absorb; to assimilate / to take (a photo) / (literary) to conserve (one's health) / (literary) to act for
to resemble / to be like / to look as if / such as / appearance / image / portrait / image under a mapping (math.)

= + : In anglepod's bathroom, Marie Curie and Rosa Luxemburg find a most delighting Elephant locomotive. They are so excited that they spontaneously start playing locomotive themselves, with Rosa grapping Marie's shoulders, and Marie exclaiming "choo choo" while pretending to pull a string, resembling the Elephant.

= + : "Look at that elephant (象). Do you know who it looks like (像)?" Xi Shi (xi) asks Kazimierz Luxemburg in the anglepod's bathroom (ang4). "No, who?" "Your aunt (亻)."
(bound form) machine; mechanism / (bound form) aircraft / (bound form) an opportunity / (bound form) crucial point; pivot / (bound form) quick-witted; flexible / (bound form) organic

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) made a machine (机) that fully automatically manufactures tables (几) out of Christmas trees (木) and tests it in front of the space station (Ø1).

Words with 攝像機

Sentences with 攝像機

攝像機 currently does not appear in any sentence.