
Characters and words in 暢快

free / unimpeded / smooth / at ease / free from worry / fluent

= 𠃓 + : Charlie Chaplin (ch) bought a pair of Icarus' wings (𠃓) because he wants to move as freely (畅) as possible, but he doesn't quite get how to use them. In the anglepod's bathroom (ang4) he has been studying the manual (申) for a long time.
rapid / quick / speed / rate / soon / almost / to make haste / clever / sharp (of knives or wits) / forthright / plainspoken / gratified / pleased / pleasant

= + : Karl Koala made the mistake to have asked the crystal ball in the airplane's bathroom about his future. After he has seen his fate he quickly and angrily destroys the crystal ball with a flail.

Words with 暢快

暢快 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 暢快

暢快 currently does not appear in any sentence.