
cups and dishes in complete disorder (idiom); after a riotous drinking party

Characters and words in 杯盘狼藉

cup / trophy cup / classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup

= + : Beelzebub (b) won a trophy cup (杯) for his amazing Christmas tree (木). Actually, it was forbidden to log trees in front of the Eiffel Tower (ei1); but Beelzebub didn't care and took the tree anyway. He even took the forbidden sign (不) as well, and as he receives his trophy cup he uses the forbidden sign as a tablet to put the trophy cup on.
variant of 杯[bei1]

= + : Beelzebub (b) won a trophy cup (杯) for his amazing Christmas tree (木). Actually, it was forbidden to log trees in front of the Eiffel Tower (ei1); but Beelzebub didn't care and took the tree anyway. He even took the forbidden sign (不) as well, and as he receives his trophy cup he uses the forbidden sign as a tablet to put the trophy cup on.
variant of 杯[bei1] / trophy cup / classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup

= + : Beelzebub (b) won a trophy cup (杯) for his amazing Christmas tree (木). Actually, it was forbidden to log trees in front of the Eiffel Tower (ei1); but Beelzebub didn't care and took the tree anyway. He even took the forbidden sign (不) as well, and as he receives his trophy cup he uses the forbidden sign as a tablet to put the trophy cup on.
plate / dish / tray / board / hard drive (computing) / to build / to coil / to check / to examine / to transfer (property) / to make over / classifier for food: dish, helping / to coil / classifier for coils of wire / classifier for games of chess

= + : Pinocchio (p) is working as kitchen helper for the crew of the yellow submarine (舟) in the anthill's kitchen (an2). On a tray (盘) he is carrying hundreds of shallow bowls (皿) of rice to the submarine.
wolf / CL:匹[pi3],隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]

= + : Sir Lancelot (l) took his dachshund (犭) out for a walk and in the anglepod's kitchen (ang2) they met a wolf (狼). The dachshund played a very long time with the wolf and at the end of the day, the dachshund gives the wolf a thank you card (良) for playing with him for such a long time.
in a mess / scattered about / in complete disorder
variant of 借[jie4]

= + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) and Joan of Arc (ji) are enjoying milkshakes (昔) in the elevator's bathroom (e4). To let each other taste the other's milkshake, they lend (借) them each other.
surname Ji
to insult / to walk all over (sb)
sleeping mat / to placate

Words with 杯盘狼藉

杯盘狼藉 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 杯盘狼藉

杯盘狼藉 currently does not appear in any sentence.