
(bird species of China) rufous-throated fulvetta (Alcippe rufogularis)

Characters and words in 棕喉雀鹛

palm / palm fiber / coir (coconut fiber) / brown

= + : Zapatista Zebra (zu) got a new blackboard (宗) delivered and receives it in front of the engine ((e)ng1). It is of fairly low quality: the two vertical beams are made from a Christmas tree (木) and a palm (棕) respectively. Also, the blackboard is not exactly black, but rather brown (棕).
variant of 棕[zong1]

= + : Zapatista Zebra (zu) got a new blackboard (宗) delivered and receives it in front of the engine ((e)ng1). It is of fairly low quality: the two vertical beams are made from a Christmas tree (木) and a palm (棕) respectively. Also, the blackboard is not exactly black, but rather brown (棕).
throat / larynx

= + : The marquis (侯) gets a mandarin (口) stuck in his throat (喉) in the outhouse (ou2), but fortunately Hamlet (h) quickly performs the Heimlich maneuver on him.
a freckle / lentigo
(bound form) small bird / sparrow / also pr. [qiao3]
babbler (bird)

Words with 棕喉雀鹛

棕喉雀鹛 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 棕喉雀鹛

棕喉雀鹛 currently does not appear in any sentence.