Japanese variant of 樂|乐[le4]
Japanese variant of 樂|乐[yue4]

楽 character breakdown

"ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15), occurring in 冰[bing1], 次[ci4] etc, known as 兩點水|两点水[liang3 dian3 shui3]

Brunhilde (bi) is eating a popsicle (冫) while sitting in front of the engine ((e)ng1).
surname Mu
(bound form) tree / (bound form) wood / unresponsive; numb; wooden

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a Christmas tree.

Malte Monkey (mu) is setting up a Christmas tree (木) in the bathroom of the space station (Ø4). He decorates the tree with eight-balls (八) and puts a holy cross (十) at the top of the tree.
surname Bai
white / snowy / pure / bright / empty / blank / plain / clear / to make clear / in vain / gratuitous / free of charge / reactionary / anti-communist / funeral / to stare coldly / to write wrong character / to state / to explain / vernacular / spoken lines in opera

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a white flag. The sun (日) is waving with a white (白) flag (白) in the airplane's kitchen (ai2) while Beelzebub (b) is beating them with a big petal leaf (丶).

Characters with 楽 as component

Japanese variant of 藥|药
old variant of 櫟|栎[li4]

Words with 楽

楽 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 楽

楽 currently does not appear in any sentence.