
to serve as a surrogate mother / surrogacy

Characters and words in 代孕

to substitute / to act on behalf of others / to replace / generation / dynasty / age / period / (historical) era / (geological) eon

= + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) wants to practice her archery skills in the airplane's bathroom (ai4). On the other side Don Quixote (d) is standing, but they don't have an apple, so they substitute the apple with a token (代, 代币). Don Quixote is trembling heavily as Rosa lifts her bow (弋) and prepares to shoot down the token from Don's head.

= + : Yu the Great (yu) has been dating a poltergeist (乃) recently in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4) and now she has to tell him that she is pregnant (孕) with his egg (子).

Words with 代孕

Sentences with 代孕

代孕 currently does not appear in any sentence.