
Buddha / Buddhist stupa (transliteration of Pali thupo)

Characters and words in 浮屠

to float / superficial / floating / unstable / movable / provisional / temporary / transient / impetuous / hollow / inflated / to exceed / superfluous / excessive / surplus

= + : Ever since Frieda Fox (fu) got her wedding ring (孚) just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2) she's been floating around (浮) like on clouds. She even got drunk by only drinking a bottle of water (氵).
surname Tu
to slaughter (animals for food) / to massacre

Words with 浮屠

Borobudur (in Java, Indonesia)
saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda (idiom)

Sentences with 浮屠

浮屠 currently does not appear in any sentence.