
dirty and disordered / in a mess

Characters and words in 髒亂

dirty / filthy / to get (sth) dirty

= + : Zorro (z) and the moon (月) are mud wrestling in the farmstead's (庄) dung hill in front of the anglepod (ang1). Consequently they are very dirty (脏).
in confusion or disorder / in a confused state of mind / disorder / upheaval / riot / illicit sexual relations / to throw into disorder / to mix up / indiscriminate / random / arbitrary

= + : It's hard for Lenny Lemur to not go crazy in the anthill's bathroom: Uncountable tongues are leaping right from the abyss to reach for Lenny Lemur, who has only a shovel to defend his heart and soul.

Words with 髒亂

(coll.) squalid / squalor

Sentences with 髒亂

髒亂 currently does not appear in any sentence.