
(coll.) squalid / squalor

Characters and words in 脏乱差

viscera / (anatomy) organ
dirty / filthy / to get (sth) dirty

= + : Zorro (z) and the moon (月) are mud wrestling in the farmstead's (庄) dung hill in front of the anglepod (ang1). Consequently they are very dirty (脏).
dirty and disordered / in a mess
in confusion or disorder / in a confused state of mind / disorder / upheaval / riot / illicit sexual relations / to throw into disorder / to mix up / indiscriminate / random / arbitrary

= + : It's hard for Lenny Lemur to not go crazy in the anthill's bathroom: Uncountable tongues are leaping right from the abyss to reach for Lenny Lemur, who has only a shovel to defend his heart and soul.
difference; discrepancy / (math.) difference (amount remaining after a subtraction) / (literary) a little; somewhat; slightly

= + : Charlie Chapling is juggling steel beams in front of the ashram. A sheep is making an error bar graph representing Charlie's number of tries to juggle as long as possible without letting the beams fall down.
different / wrong; mistaken / to fall short; to lack / not up to standard; inferior / Taiwan pr. [cha1]
to send (on an errand) / (archaic) person sent on such an errand / job; official post
used in 參差|参差[cen1 ci1]

Words with 脏乱差

脏乱差 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 脏乱差

脏乱差 currently does not appear in any sentence.